Use our steroid plotter to plan and plot your cycle or protocol and share it with friends. You can start from scratch or get started by using one of our preset examples in the list below. You can include anabolic steroids, peptides, and pharmaceuticals.
Example Protocols
Click to view the protocol with graph.
AAS Cycles
- 12-Week Beginner Testosterone Cycle
- Test Cyp, NPP, Primo, HCG & HGH Cycle with Testosterone Propionate Frontloading (Cruise to Blast to Cruise)
- 20-Week Test + Deca Cycle with NPP Frontloading
- 20-Week AAS Cycle Including 6 Weeks of Anavar
- 12-Week Anabolic Steroid Cycle + PCT
- Testosterone Sustanon 250
TRT/HRT Protocols
Plot Your Protocol
NOTE: We aim to make our calculator as useful as possible based on publicly available studies and data. However, there are significant limitations, assumptions are made, and a simplified pharmacokinetic model is used. The half-lives and pharmacokinetic variables used are estimates and will differ between individuals. This tool is for entertainment only and should not be used to make medical decisions. Always consult a healthcare professional before altering any medication regimen. This calculator and its content are not medical advice. Use at your own risk.
- Where possible, we obtain the elimination half-life (t1/2), peak concentration (Cmax), time to peak (Tmax), and bioavailability (F(%)) of included compounds from peer-reviewed scientific studies.
- Sometimes, certain pharmacokinetic values are less easy to ascertain. In these cases, we have to make assumptions to estimate these values, which will not accurately reflect the behavior of these compounds in real-world scenarios.
- Pharmacokinetic data and studies/sources used for compounds used in the plotter application are included below.
- Please visit our FAQs page for the most frequently asked questions we receive about the SteroidPlotter website & application.
Pharmacokinetics & Sources:
We are currently maintaining a Google Sheet listing current pharmacokinetics and sources. This sheet is a work in progress and will be ported to the website once completed.
If you have any feedback or suggestions or want to see a new compound added, please do not hesitate to contact us in our Telegram group.
Forgive my ignorance. But regarding Test E, C and D. I notice in your Google sheets you have t1/2, Cmax and T max for Test E and C but not D (D only has t1/2). Also the half life of D is supposedly less than E and C which is hard for me to believe. Is there any other data aside from measuring it in a blend of Sustanon?
And again forgive my ignorance but why when we plot 50mg of each E, C and D does D peak so much higher than E and C? And sustains a higher plasma concentration for a longer duration if it’s half life is shorter and we don’t have data on Test D Cmax and Tmax? Not to mention it has a higher ester weight?
I know this plotter is doing it’s best in that regard but it’s kind of misleading unless I’m not understanding something correctly here. I plan on using Test D alone w Deca which is why I’m curious about this…
Any clarification would be nice. Thanks!!
Hi. If you look further along the columns in the sheet there is a “Model” column.
Test E & C use a more advanced model which can consider additional pK data, where available.
Unfortunately, these values are not available for Test D, so it falls back to the simple model which only considers HL + bioavailability and unfortunately, is far less accurate.
Why is it that when you choose Decanoate, its half-life is shorter than Enanthate?
Hello. Is there any way to calculate the dynamics of Test No Ester / Test Base in MCT Oil? I see Test Base Sublingual and Test Suspension in Water but I am curious to know the pharmacodynamics of TNE in MCT Oil for daily dosing. People feel better on Prop EOD vs Daily. I feel TNE in MCT could be a great solution for ED injections with much less PIP than Prop ester. Chase Irons is currently using TNE in Glycol as apart of a Test Blend. Thanks!!
If you’re aware of any studies with the the pharmacokinetic data or any users that have collected data on this combo then we can look at getting it added.
Could you insert “sustanon” as compound to plot?
No cause its just a mix of 4 different esters
You lazy
Plot it manually with each ester then share the URL here and we can add it to the list of links above but you will need to change the mg/week each time according to your protocol.
Since carrier oils affect absorption rate, sometimes dramatically like in the case of Test U in MCT oil vs Test U in Castor oil; it would be super helpful to be able to break down by carrier oil these injectables.
Is that in the backlog as well by chance?
Hi, no this is not currently something we are specifically looking at but if you have pharmacokinetic data for a specific ester/oil that differs to what we already have in the app then we can consider adding.
I’d love to contribute; will see what literature is out there for you to review.
So in the spreadsheet/database, Test U has a half-life of 33.9 days, but that’s only in Castor Oil.
I use Test U from a UGL that uses MCT oil as the carrier oil and it’s half life is more like 8 days. That’s the case for most UGL Test U. Makes the Test U option you have very incorrect for many users.
“It’s half life is more like 8 days” – Do you have a source showing the pk values?
This is the Carrier Oil deep dive that Steve did that I hope can contribute to this effort:
Highly recommend seeing what Grok 3 has to say and how it is using the studies available combined with pK data like viscosity from the carrier oils to determine half-life. If you can, I highly recommend looking at the Thinking drop down to see how it came to its conclusions. I think it’s pretty spot on.
Thanks. This is interesting and grok DeepResearch definitely seems like gamechanger for getting a quick rundown on such topics.
However, I’m not sure the PK data can be modeled based on this info as along with longer t/12 with castor oil, we’d likely see an increased Tmax and a reduction in Cmax and without studies looking at all these values we’d basically be guessing.
Also there’s no saving how other esters might behave in different carrier oils.
This is maybe something we can look at including more generally in the future. In the meantime, we can consider adding a simplified model for MCT oil for Test U but we’d have to consider it experimental and try to mimic AUC with the shorter HL and higher Cmax with a Tmax proportionally shorter.
Would this be useful for the time being?
Yea, I think that’s a good interim solution. Even one where I can modify the half-life how I would like to would be cool, but I understand why you wouldn’t want to do that as well.
I am hoping to be helpful here as much as I can. Grok3, not just the deep research model, but using deep research first and then using the thinking model for follow up can be helpful I think.
We do know that carrier oil affects effective half-life per the study that uses castor vs tea seed oil. The thinking model in Grok 3 came up with a logarithmic algorithm to estimate based off viscosity from that study which I found fascinating.
At the end of the day, its obviously an imperfect approach without real human studies.
Undecanoate (MCT Oil) has been added.
Thank you much for adding the Test Undecanoate in MCT Oil as an option! Ironically, my Test U kits in MCT oil just arrived this afternoon. Perfect timing!
Hey, following back up here. Think you accidentally put the 11 days which was intended for Test Decanoate (MCT Oil) while the Test Undecanoate (MCT Oil) was 18 days. It’s in that Grok link you have in the spreadsheet.
Apologies – that’s fixed now.
Can someone please explain offset? It seems like frequency but it may help me get better accuracy if I understand it.
From the tooltip: “Add an offset (1 or more) to shift the compound n days later.”
Hey there. Is it possible to add dose timing rather than it always be set at midnight?
Hi – yes this is in the backlog. Thanks.
The recent change to test cyp and enth are way too high. Example: the beginner 12 week test cycle with 250mg test cyp 2x/week (500mg/week total) results in a graph showing peak concentrations of > 7,300 ng/dl lol.
You can scale these down to match previous levels using -40% for cyp and -42% for enanthate.
fwiw, I started trt about a month ago with 100mg of TC. My 4 week trough lab just showed 450. This agrees almost exactly with the previous version of TC, or the new at -40%.
Based on the feedback we are getting, it definitely seems the previous values were more in line with what people are seeing in their bloods.
We will wait another week or two for additional feedback and then consider reverting.
We have now reverted these changes so levels will be the same as you were seeing before 3rd Jan 2025.
I noticed a pretty big discrepancy with mast e and mast p. At 175mg per week mast e peaks at around 1700ng/dl and mast p peaks at around 900ng/dl both with ed injections. Also, I agree with the above comment. The testosterone ratios seem abnormally high now. Ng/dl is around 10x the mg amount.
* Unsure how much other synthetic hormones affect one’s TT but assuming if they do, is there a feature you could add to account for that? For example, if someone were on 200 test 200 mast I imagine their TT might be a bit higher overall than on just 200 test.
Appreciate the reply! I noticed ~40% reduction would bring things more in line with what I was expecting/my bloodwork usually says, so it’s good to have confirmation that -40% is the correct setting!
Side note: I can only imagine the math and engineering challenges behind getting these saturations correct based off the numerous & often conflicting studies of drug half lives, etc… Appreciate all the work you do on this tool and for the community! You’re the only one out there I could find that easily plots blood concentration estimates, don’t give up on that feature!
How did you know that ethanate is -42%?
Can you please check the -42% for Enanthate value you suggested ? From testing and looking at previous values I recorded for my protocols, to get the previous levels for Enanthate I have to use -55%.
We reverted recent changes (check changelog for dates). Maybe try clearing your cache or a different browser if you’re still seeing the higher values.
Yeah I don’t understand this at all now. I put 60mg every 3 days of test and it calculates 1250 levels. No way that is accurate. Also I don’t understand the percentage adjusted thing??
Just use the slider to adjust levels down.
Test E and Test C levels on the y axis are off.
For instance:
I need to turn the slider to 80% in your tool to achieve approximately the same outcome:
I can also quote from this article:
The effect of varying doses of TE on serum testosterone was evaluated in 23 males with primary hypogonadism (44). Subjects received IM injections of TE based on one of the following regimens: 100 mg weekly, 200 mg every 2 weeks, 300 mg every 3 weeks, or 400 mg every 4 weeks. Serum testosterone was measured weekly during the initial treatment period of 12 weeks. After receiving the last dose of the treatment period, testosterone levels were then measured more frequently. For the 100 mg group, the average Cmax peaked above 1,200 ng/dL 24 hours after the last dose and declined to slightly above 600 ng/dL after 1 week. In the 200 mg group, the average Cmax was also greater than 1,200 ng/dL and occurred 48 hours after the last dose. The level plateaued around the lower therapeutic limit after 2 weeks. The 300 and 400 mg groups similarly had an average Cmax above 1,200 ng/dL within 36–48 hours.
Looking at your excel sheet TE has a t1/2 of 7.19 days. Following article mentions a t1/2 of 4.5 days:
Your sheet refers to a study with subQ administration route. This should be either made clear in the UI or be replaced by a study with the IM administration route.
The study we have used shows t1/2 for SC and IM and we are using the value from IM (“172.57 hours for 200 mg IM TE.”). Unfortunately, the studies rarely agree on pharmacokinetics for a number of reasons so you will always be able to find examples of studies which do not match the output from the tool. We will eventually allow users to tune the pharmacokinetic data as they see fit.
Thank your for your feedback.
I just had another look at the study you are getting the numbers from (page 276):
For 200 mg IM TE the mean Cmax is 2261.9 ng/dl at week 6 by using a 336-h dosing interval (14 days). The calculator plots a Cmax less than half of that:
Whereas the old version ( is spot on.
“We will eventually allow users to tune the pharmacokinetic data as they see fit.”
=> I appreciate that however the default charting output should match the studies.
Thanks for the additional info. I can see where these don’t match up now.
What we had done previously was used linear regression to try to scale the doses from very small to very high. See the additional study: “Administration of GnRH agonist plus TE resulted in mean nadir testosterone concentrations of 234, 289, 695, 1,344, and 2,435 ng/dl at the 25-, 50-, 125-, 300-, and 600-mg doses”.
This caused a few issues at low doses so it had to be reverted.
I believe the multiplier has now been added to bring levels down to similar levels seen in the second study, but this does not scale as well as there are no diminishing returns seen at the higher dose levels.
We could remove the multiplier to bring the cmax on the plotter to those seen in the original study, but at the higher levels we had many users complaining of inaccuracy.
We could remove the multiplier to bring the cmax on the plotter to those seen in the original study, but at the higher levels we had many users complaining of inaccuracy.
Agreed. Imho benchmark should be the clinical trails.
Also keep in mind the second study does not specify a Cmax. It says “Testosterone concentrations were measured during week 16, 7 days after the previous testosterone injection, and therefore represent nadir values”
Ok – they’ve been updated to match the original studies used for the data rather than the additional study. Will update the changelog so it doesn’t confuse users too much.
Let me know if it matches your expectations now.
Looks good now, thank you!
Unfortunately, we had to revert these changes so levels will be the same as you were seeing before 3rd Jan 2025. You can use the slider to adjust upwards.
This is an amazing tool. Thank you!
Thank you for your support!
Something is off. 17mg of test prop a day and 40mg of test cyp 3x/wk result in extremely different profiles. Even being around the same relative dose of 120mg. I expect slight variation in the test p being higher but not by that much….
Same here. Test Prop looks like its over concentrated or something is wrong with this test profile.
mg for mg test p has more test than cypionate. test p is ~80% test, test c is ~67%. so you’re getting about 1.2x the amount of test with test p as you are with cyp at the same dose of the compounds.
i just checked them adjusted to compensate for the differing molecular weights of the ester chains and cyp peaked at ~720 and prop at ~750, so pretty close (at 120mg cyp to 100mg prop, ~80mg/week of actual test each)
double posting to add a little bit and fix grammar, just delete the other please. and hey thanks for the all hard work you put into the site, much appreciated
This is likely down to the levels seen in the studies used for each compounds rather than something you’d necessarily see on an individual basis. In the future we may end up moving to more normalized pharmacokinetic data so that things match up more accurately for different esters as it seems to cause some confusion.
Test and Mast differ greatly in concentration serum levels when you take each compound, everything the same in plotter except do each compound with everything the same except one prop, one enanthate. In compare mode. So, test when looking at both Esther’s and comparing shows propionate double the concentration as the enanthate. But do the same thing for Master on and the enanthate ester is double the propionate. It makes sense that the longer Half-Life would have the compound built higher, so I see that Master on wood confirm that, but the testosterone shows the propionate higher?
I’m aware of the 72 versus 84 ester weight difference, so prop should be higher, so that coincides with the testosterone propionate showing double the enanthate concentrations plot.
Any help understanding any of this would be helpful, thanks.
This likely comes down to differences seen across the studies which we have taken reference values from:
Also both Mast esters use our simplified model.
Do you add your starting test number to the number in the chart to get where your total should be?
No, the chart assumes your natural production is shut down.
I feel like the mg of hormone for Test U is off,
it was different in the last UI you had.
Can you explain what you mean exactly (mg is off)?
You can still access the old version of the site here:
Sorry, I meant the active hormone of the drug seems off.
200mg of test U weekly shouldn’t result in higher levels than 200mg of test c weekly.
Before the change to cypionate and enanthate my numbers were pretty much spot on to the calculations on here. It’s way higher now, almost double. Before was definitely more in line dosages.
Is it possible to view the days beyond the administration (intake) of drugs, in order to observe how long it takes to completely eliminate (full decay)? Thank you!
Yes, simply increase the cycle length past your last dosage to see the decay.
when touching the “downloading to xls” the “share this protocol” tab is in front of the “Download xls” touch tab, so it’s difficult touch one or the other
Can you add a change units options to nmol? Thanks
Hi, unfortunately this is not a simple task due to the multiplier for each compound varying based on molecular weight but we will add to the backlog.
In the mean time, you can convert testosterone between these units here:
Many thanks !
Would really appreciate an option to toggle date with simply week 1, 2 etc
Can you explain in a little more detail what you are after? e.g. Start date/cycle length/x-axis on the chart. Thanks.
Really just week 1 to week 12 for example
You see I consider things in terms of the number of weeks into the cycle. so it’s more useful for me to see that at ‘week 4’ I’ll be at maximum blood levels
Start date would simply read Week 0
Horizontal axis would by weeks 1 through 12 for example
Thank you
Got it. Will add to backlog.
Hello, Would it be possible to increase the cursor up to 120%
Because with 120 per week divided into 60 twice a week
I reach 1695 testosterone and with the cursor at 100% I reach 1500
Have added this to the backlog.